Friday, February 24, 2017


Seems as though  my posts have been diminishing in size that last few I have had. It it terribly difficult to be doing so many tasks that all seem to have priority over the others! I am in the process of buying a house but there has been a lot of issues with sellers and offers being made. It is interesting that I can't seem to get the houses we want! My realtor who is actually a really good friend, has been helping us and she has said that the amount of offers she has had to write up and the limbo she has been put through with most offers placed and other realty groups is just so insane. I feel bad and like we have been working her to death going to several house after hours just so we can look at them because of our busy schedules. It is frustrating let me tell you to never have time to breathe. But, it will all be worth it and other than a few rants every now and then, I don't complain much. I admire so much more people who are able to do what I am doing now. Funny how you don't appreciate something until its happened to you.


  1. Congrats on purchasing a house :-) It's a laborious process even after both seller and buyer solidify the price and terms. But it's definitely worth it. First time is always the hardest! You will keep up with IS101-3017 and I am here to help ^_^

  2. As a good friend of yours I don't think she minds working hard for you, happy for you on your plans to buy a house. Such a huge milestone

  3. Everything happens for a reason, stay positive =)

  4. Stay positive! Congrats on the house!

  5. Best of luck with the house hunt! Ironically enough my family and me are also in the process of buying and our house is being sold, so I can relate to your struggle. It'll all fall into place (:

  6. Good luck on finding your new house and congratulations for this new step!! Its a huge and great accomplish ;)

  7. I hope you find the house you want, not the one you settle for.
